What To Expect From Your Window Installation Process

Are you considering window replacement? For your own peace of mind, you want the highest-quality windows available, and you want them installed by expert window installers. This information is provided by our experts for window installation in Denton.

There are a lot of decisions to be made when installing new windows. Should the entire window be removed? What about the frame? We consider every detail before starting the job, from the width of the wall to the frame. The type of window being installed is also important. Call one of our expert installers for a free consultation to ensure you get exactly what you need. You want security, noise protection, and energy conservation. Our company has the experience to provide you with the best windows of your choice.

We use the highest-quality products on the market to ensure that once your new windows are installed, you will have no further concerns. Our reputation precedes us. We believe in quality service at a reasonable price.

Do your windows really need to be replaced?

The first thing we do is help you determine whether your windows actually require replacing. You might opt for improved weather-stripping, instead. Your decision should be based on the expenses involved and the age of the windows. We are available for any questions you have.

Certain window problems can be fixed, but if your windows are damaged and/or cracked, you should replace them immediately. Keep in mind that even tiny cracks can allow insects and other bugs inside your home. Wooden window frames may rot due to excess moisture. If your windowsill is becoming soft, consider replacing the entire window, along with the frame.

Are your windows getting stuck on a regular basis? Years of opening and closing them can cause them to stick as a result of wear and tear. That is another sign that your windows should be replaced. That is why a consultation with one of our installers can be crucial and answer many of your questions.

How long will your windows last?

Quality material for your window should provide you with up to 20 years of window efficiency. At that point, you may require new caulking and insulation. When your windows are up to 20 years old, you can provide temporary repairs, but you will need replacements soon.

Choose energy efficient new windows

If you are considering installing new windows, energy efficiency should be a major factor. There is a considerable difference between single-pane, double-pane, and triple-pane windows.

Single-pane windows consist of one pane of glass installed within the frame. These are very basic and can allow a draft to come into your home. A single pane of glass will not provide you will quality insulation.

Double-Pane windows are made of two panes of glass that provide much better insulation than a single pane and are a huge upgrade over a single-pane. Your energy bill could decrease by as much as 25 percent.

While triple-pane windows provide superior insulation, they are most useful in extreme climates.

The process for window installation

Eventually, your windows will need replacing. Below are the steps required for window replacement? This includes taking proper measurements, old window removal, and new window installation process. Please be aware that each individual window might have its own instructions. When in doubt, we always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

In general, windows come in two basic types: new construction and remodel. New construction will have a nailing fin in the window frame to hold the window for a new placement. The remodel window has an established opening.

Measuring the opening

When we measure the opening for your new window, measuring correctly is critical. Mistakes in measurements can cause drafting and other problems in the future. Here is our step by step instructions for proper window measurements:

  1. Begin by measuring the window height inside the frame. Do this in the middle area and on the right and left sides. You want a thorough and accurate measurement.
  2. The next step is to measure the width of the window. Again, take three measurements – at the top, the bottom, and the middle.
  3. Be sure to write down your numbers immediately.
  4. When choosing the replacement window, use the smallest of the measurement numbers. That is because your replacement should be approximately three-quarters of an inch smaller than the actual window opening. Now that you have completed the needed measurements, it’s time to remove the old window.

Removing the old window

To prevent injuries, if the window(s) being replaced are damaged, we cover any cracks with painter’s tape and be careful around any jagged glass. Using cut-resistant gloves is an excellent idea.

If we are replacing windows above the first floor, we will use scaffolding. This will provide some additional working space. Our window installers always use eye protection and gloves.

  1. Ensure that the old inside stop molding is removed properly. It is the stop molding that holds the window in place. If it isn’t removed properly, you risk having it out.
  2. The next step is to remove metal channels if there are any. These metal channels are metal strips shaped into a tube. Use gloves for this removal as you pull the metal from the window frame. 
  3. Now, you are ready to remove the fasteners used to keep the old window within the frame.
  4. Gently remove the old window and cut any window weight connections.
  5. Take out the existing balance system and visible fasteners.
  6. Remove all dirt and/or grime from the opening, as well as any old caulk.
  7. If there are holes, fill them with insulation.
  8. Check the exterior stop molding for any damage. Replace it if need be.

Preparing your window

  1. Now that the old window has been successfully removed, inspect the wood for any damage and fix or replace any marred areas.
  2. Place the new window in the center of the opening and use shims to ensure the window is perfectly level. 

Installing your new window

  1. Apply caulk to the inside of the exterior stop molding.
  2. Press the new window into the caulk.
  3. Secure the window with shims.
  4. Adjust the fit if necessary.
  5. Double-check that the sashes and the window are level.
  6. Add interior stop molding.
  7. You are now ready to paint your window.

Don’t DIY: Leave window installation process to professionals

Many DIYers love the challenge of doing their own repairs. In some cases, it is not that difficult. But if you have any questions about installing your new windows, at least consult with a professional window installer. Just one little mistake, and a heavy glass pane could come crashing down. And an incorrectly installed window is likely to increase your energy bill instead of decreasing it. Cracked joints can create an opening for pests. Do not welcome ants into your home.

If you use a professional to install your windows, you are not risking injury to yourself, and you have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your windows are installed properly and will last for years to come.

Reveal Homestyle

Reveal Homestyle is a home improvement blog. It aims to share information and ideas to make your home a heaven on earth. Read about home improvement and maintenance.

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