Major Drainage Pipe Problems You Should Know About

When it comes to the drainage pipe, many homeowners don’t think twice about it until something goes wrong. Unfortunately, this can often lead to big and costly problems. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the major drainage pipe problems that can occur in your home, and know when to call in a professional.

Keep reading for insights on some of the most common drainage issues, and how to prevent them from happening in your home. Using the right drainage pipe supplier is key!

From your kitchen to your toilet, and laundry, you rely on your plumbing pipes throughout the house for your myriad water needs. So when something is amiss, it’s only natural that your first sentiment is great frustration. Chances are, if you know what to do and know your options to fix the problem, this plumbing mishap is nothing to cry over. But the reason that you’re reading this gives us the impression that you need help.

If you’re now having to weigh the best way to go to fix your pipe, read on as we share with you the different types of pipe repair. But, before we go into further details with that, let’s have a rundown first of the different kinds of drainage pipe problems that seriously require no delay to fix.

Drainage pipe problems that urgently require fixing

Worn out pipe

There are generally a lot of ways to tell that your pipe has worn out. For example, leaks in the pipe, poor water flow, and clogged pipe. While this does not include all of the reasons why your pipe will wear away, if you’re experiencing one of these, let your plumber know right away to prevent water damage in your home. A worn-out pipe can no longer function optimally, so while it’s not yet too late, check with your plumber about the options to save your plumbing from total damage.

Tree root penetrated pipe

Small roots, big roots, no matter the size, they’re all terrible for your drainage or sewer pipe. If the roots of your sprawling trees seem to grow towards where your sewer line is, act immediately, especially if there’s already obvious standing water where the sewer is running or all your drains are constantly struggling to let the water through. The force exerted by the root growth can result in total pipe failure or collapse. So don’t delay this problem.

Broken or collapsed pipe

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it is the reality. Like any human-made material, pipes are not meant to last forever. They have a limited lifespan and at any point during or after daily wear and tear, they can give up. If you fail to keep up with routine maintenance, your odds of a pipe collapse can also dramatically rise up. Before this happens, let the pipe replacement solutions professionals inspect your pipeline and find out whether or not it badly needs repair or re-piping now.

Leaky pipe

A leaky pipe is another reason why you would urgently need a pipe repair. This happens for a number of reasons such as broken seals, clogs, too much water pressure, tree-roots penetration, and corrosion. The challenge with leaks is that it’s sometimes hard to tell that it is going on in your pipe because pipes are hidden behind walls and underneath your property. This is where a regular pipe inspection plays a role. It helps plumbers to detect and protect you from water damages caused by leaks. Never underestimate even a tiny leak, because it can easily escalate into a flood situation in your home.

Multiple slow or clogged drains

A single sluggish drain maybe just a localized problem on that specific drain, but if all the drains in your house just take time to drain the water away, then you have a severe clog problem on your hand. When a clog is left untreated, pressure can build up behind it. This pressure can be too much for the pipe to handle and will result in a crack or break. You may think these kinds of fractures are just small enough to cause trouble, but they can seriously cause massive disaster in your home when the pipe bursts out.

Aging pipe

Pipes that are outdated are most likely to fail. They’re no longer up to standard and will not be able to handle different beatings. Your best chance is to consider drainage or sewer pipe replacement or ask a plumber if it can still hold up. But chances are, even if it is still able to hold up, no one knows when it will finally give up. Unless you’re fine to deal with a major and costly pipe repair in the future, you can leave it as it is. But, if it means the world to you to have good working plumbing, seek recommendations from the pipe replacement Sydney professionals on how they can go about restoring it.

Reasons why pipe fails

  1. Age-related deterioration
  2. Lack of proper maintenance
  3. Tree-root penetration
  4. Extreme weather condition
  5. Combined problems

We wish pipes last forever, but unfortunately, they don’t. Pipes does a lot of work daily. From pushing water through and down, it requires a lot of pressure. It will be much worse if there’s a buildup jamming up the drainage pipe. Over a long-enough time, these weaken the pipes from having to work hard to handle the pressure. Fractured, aging, and worn-out pipes have all kinds of negative effects on your plumbing. The lower the effectiveness of your pipes makes it more likely to fail. Learn how you can best remedy the problem with our different types of pipe repair suggestions below.

Drainage pipe repairs you should know about

Pipe relining

If you ever have to fix your fractured pipe that has not reached the point of complete collapse, pipe relining will be a suitable option. This method enables plumbers to seal up cracks, breaks, and holes in the pipe without the need to dig it up.

Pipe patching

This method is best used when there are only a few spots that need fixing and the rest of the pipeline is in good working condition or you only like to repair the worst affected sections.

Pipe replacement Sydney

If you want your drainage system to work like when it was first installed, better consider pipe replacement. It comes with a lot of advantages such as stronger drainage systems that are able to handle multiple uses at the same time, lesser chances of clogs and leaks to develop, and a more efficient water flow. If you also take into consideration the number of times you could possibly be paying a plumber to fix repeated clogs, you’d be surprised at how much lesser is the pipe replacement cost compared to paying a plumber each time.

Final words

We can only wish that clearing a clog, sealing a leak, or patching broken sections is enough, but it’s not always the case. There are certain points where re-piping is a more sensible and cheaper option. While it doesn’t sound pleasant to the ears to be replacing pipes in the house, sometimes you’ve just got to have to take the rap and get it done. We’ll send a drain expert right away to get your drainage back up and running.

Reveal Homestyle

Reveal Homestyle is a home improvement blog. It aims to share information and ideas to make your home a heaven on earth. Read about home improvement and maintenance.

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