6 Reasons To Schedule An Air Conditioning Tune-Up

Owning a home can feel like an endless cycle of home maintenance tasks. As such, it’s common for many homeowners to put specific tasks on the back burner or overlook them entirely.

One of the most commonly overlooked spring maintenance tasks is scheduling an air conditioning tune-up. Here are the benefits of scheduling this maintenance appointment and why you should never ignore it again.

What is an air conditioning tune-up?

An air conditioning tune-up is a preventative maintenance visit in which an air conditioning specialist prepares your system for the season. The process looks different depending on your unit type and your location.

When you get your ac tune-up scheduled in Cascade, MI, for example, a technician will make minor repairs and adjustments, including cleaning filters, removing debris, lubricating moving parts, and ensuring everything is ready. Why should you have a professional provide this service each spring? Here are six compelling reasons.

Ensure functionality for the season

There’s nothing like waking up on the first nice summer day and turning on the air conditioner to find… nothing. Or worse, it turns on and makes a horrible racket, indicating that something is amiss.

When you schedule a seasonal tune-up appointment, you don’t have to worry about sweating it out while waiting for a repair person. You can go into the summer with confidence that your unit will work as it should. In addition to avoiding the stress of a last-minute repair visit, you’ll also avoid wait times and emergency appointment costs.

Minimize energy costs and consumption

Sometimes, an air conditioner maintenance issue isn’t as apparent as the scenario mentioned above. It might sound like everything is running smoothly. The system turns on with no problem, and you enjoy the first few weeks of the summer months in a cool personal paradise. Then, you get your power bill.

One of the first signs that something is wrong with your air conditioner is a significant, unexpected spike in your utility costs. This indicates that the unit is drawing more power for the same output level. Anything could cause this issue, from a loose connection to a problem with the blowers— both of which would be identified and corrected during a tune-up appointment.

In addition to minimizing surprise utility bill spikes, a tune-up also helps your system run more efficiently overall. This can help you minimize even the slightest increase in energy consumption during the summer months.

Minimize repair costs

The more proactive you are with HVAC maintenance, the less likely you will require extensive repairs. While dirty filters and loose connections may not seem like a big deal, they increase your unit’s general wear and tear. What might be a simple adjustment now could become a full repair visit and component replacement later.

Having a technician do a tune-up on your unit will cost less than having them do a round of diagnostics, repairs, and component replacements.

Extend the lifespan of your unit

In addition to minimizing repairs, preventative maintenance will also help you maximize your return on investment by extending the lifespan of your air conditioner.

While every type of air conditioner is different, the average system is designed to last 15-20 years. This difference could impact your long-term home upkeep costs if you’re in your forever home or determine your resale value and selling price if you plan to sell. A home inspector will know the difference between an older air conditioning system that’s well-maintained and functional and one that a seller should ask for a price reduction or replacement contingency.

Improve air quality

Air quality management and improvement have become more of a priority in recent years. While it was always important, the pandemic brought it to the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Air conditioners do more than create a nice breeze on a hot day. This system also factors into air filtration and humidity control, both of which impact overall air quality. If your air filter hasn’t been replaced, there are likely more allergens in your home than otherwise. Additionally, poor humidity control can lead to mold growth and illness.

During a tune-up, the technician ensures that everything is working well; that includes air filtration and humidity control.

Improve effectiveness

There’s another subtle sign that something is amiss with an air conditioner. If the thermostat seems wrong compared to how you feel, the unit might not be running efficiently. You can determine whether there’s variance by using a mercury thermometer from a local department store.

If you don’t schedule a tune-up, you might not know that your air conditioner is inefficient. This discomfort could lead you to turn it up higher to get the same level of output you would with a functional system. In other words, you pay more for less, and this issue could last for years. This issue could also be related to poor humidity control. In both scenarios, a tune-up visit would catch the issue ahead of time.

Final words

Scheduling an air conditioning tune-up appointment should be at the top of your spring home maintenance list. Book this appointment to extend the lifespan of your unit and ensure your home’s comfort all summer long.

Reveal Homestyle

Reveal Homestyle is a home improvement blog. It aims to share information and ideas to make your home a heaven on earth. Read about home improvement and maintenance.

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